The R.U.H.B.Y Program
Re-developing, Unifying, and Healing Broken Youth (R.U.H.B.Y.): is a 21-point program that was structured by the U.N.T. Health and Science graduates, who creatively applied visual and comprehensive curriculum to teacher-led activities/ group exercises based on the initial design model created by Abdul Chappell. By focusing on the social and psychological behaviors of school aged youth and by testing their personal decision-making skills based on their response to real-life scenarios, we are able to create a self-driven approach to their own self-awareness. This in turn will instill a confidence within them that could possibly be the difference if and/or when they are ever confronted with having to make an impulsive decision, in a toxic environment in “real life”. Our Objective is to be proactive, while simultaneously providing preventative measures for those who are potentially, and/ or currently, exposed to environmental toxic cultures that are plaguing many of our communities today.
R.U.H.B.Y. also includes our e-learning course that includes 10 lessons from our R.U.H.B.Y. workbook. This course dives into cognitive behavior, understanding the poisonous effects of our culture, dissecting music, movies, and the entertainment industry.
Classes include but are not limited to the following:
1. Young Teen Relations
2. Teen Parenting
3. Boundaries
4. Gang Intervention
5. Family
6. Financial Literacy/Youth Entrepreneurship
7. Cultural Awareness
8. Young men & women's empowerment and in addition, early financial literacy, investing & some interest focused STE(A)M courses including computer scripting, coding and networking. (Available during our summer participation camps.)
Brief summary of the R.U.H.B.Y. Program