Conflict Resolution Specialist
Conflict Resolution Specialist - is a team of trained mediators who've completed our 3-month toxic culture course. CRS are an alternative policing program designed to deal with those considered high risk.
Some of CRS's several objectives are to reduce crime while raising literacy levels, reducing violence,and lowering recidivism rates by providing relatable mentoring figures (male and female) who come from amongst the very conditions we will serve.
Our approach is to establish partnership with MHMR,CPS, Parole/Probation Officers, PO Teachers and NPDS, parents, and other community residents. By sharing caseloads, we believe that working together with certified professionals, that our lifetime experiences can build a better bridge of understanding for serving our communities and residents.
With so much distrust between the community and city police officials BABH will:
Build more trusting relationships with the officers that patrol our communities and residents by -
1. Sitting and meeting each community's NPOS's to discuss community encouragement plans, effective learning, complaints and concerns from both officers and residents.
2. Meeting the officers that patrols our communities to listen and address their concerns and requests,discuss implicit biases, negative stereotypes for both police and residents, racial profiling, and becoming more culturally aware of each other. Setting up Joint Community activities (baseball, fling football,volleyball, dominoes) our children and their functions.
Brief Summary of CRS