BABH in the news
Leading by Example
Building a Better Hood - Fort Worth Weekly
Build a Better Hood, our thing is to bring the neighborhood concept back into the community, so we can create neighborhoods and get away from this 'hood mentality." Chappell draws a line from his childhood experience to the plight of black teenagers today. "Our role models were drug dealers, hustlers, and pimps," he recalled…..
“I couldn’t move forward, but I had to take care of my family. Abdul, he does things like this all the time, giving back to the community. He’s a good guy. He came through for me”
— Fort Worth Weekly
Trenton Tennison (left)
Ex-convict aims to rebuild Las Vegas Trail area…
Abdul Chappell shares his story after the meeting Monday night. (Photo by Kayley Ryan) Chappell said he started the Las Vegas Trail branch of the Los Angeles-based Crips street gang. "I was a pretty bad guy," Chappell said. "But if people can see me change, they know they can change."
Murder Worth no more ? - TCU 360
The gang peace had started months before when former leader of Fort Worth's west side Crips, Abdul Chappell, was sitting in his Tarrant ...
Inside a Day of the Life on Fort Worth's Las Vegas Trail
About 2,000 families live in 32 tightly-packed apartment complexes there, and Abdul Chappell wants to meet them all…
Ex-gang Leader is Committed to Serving His Community
Despite his lengthy time away, Chappell remains a respected figure on the west side. The founder of the Fort Worth chapter of the Los Angeles-based Crips gang in the 1980s, these days he has traded his blue bandana and baggie jeans for eyeglasses
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